See n Say

You will see it with your own eyes and say,

"Great is the LORD - even beyond the borders of Israel!" - Malachi 1:5

See n Say is a talking toy with pictures of animals, numbers or the alphabet on its perimeter. When the toy's draw string is pulled, it plays the recording of the corresponding picture upon which a spinning arrow randomly lands. In the randomness that we call life, may we "See n Say" the greatness of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Saturday, March 05, 2005

O is for Opiate

When Karl Marx wrote that religion was the opiate of the masses, I bet he never roasted a chicken. For Christmas, Carolyn and I got ourselves a George Foreman rotisserie which came gratis with the higher profile grill. As great a kitchen appliance as it is - easy to use, energy saving, calorie reducing, fits on your countertop - I have found it absolutely mesmerizing. A 2-pound chicken takes a couple of hours to roast, but instead of using that time wisely reading my children a story, finish my taxes or muse over my strategy for peace in the Middle East, I was inextricably drawn to the spinning poultry. It wasn't a Pavlovian response in anticipation of dinner. Rather, the rotisserie has a hypnotic effect. Could it be simply the revolving spit? Was it the gentle hum of the electric motor? Or the tender emanating warmth? I don't know. Try it at home to See n Say. Hey, if everyone had a rotisserie maybe we would have world peace...