A is for Allergies

I love peanut butter. It's great on celery, in sandwiches - grape jelly or banana - or as a sauce for satay... When I was in school, the cafeteria served peanut butter bars which everyone hated except for me. I'd have 10 at a go. I can just sit in front of the TV and eat spoonfuls of peanut butter straight from the jar. It doesn't matter what brand, creamy or chunky, low fat, low salt or regular... Jimmy Carter is my favorite president... I want a statue of the peanut king, George Washington Carver on my front lawn...
So, it is pretty surprising that Ethan should have an allergy to peanuts. His teacher calls home to tell us that while they were working on a birdfeeder (pinecone, bird seed and string), Ethan wiped peanut butter- used to "glue" the seed on the pinecone - onto his face and developed an allergic reaction. The area around his mouth turned a rosy red as if he were applying lipstick while riding public transportation. Fortunately, it wasn't too serious and Ethan was back to normal that afternoon.
Anyway, I'm reminded that spring is here - flowers will be blooming, pollen hanging like a fog - and my allergies are on the way...
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