See n Say

You will see it with your own eyes and say,

"Great is the LORD - even beyond the borders of Israel!" - Malachi 1:5

See n Say is a talking toy with pictures of animals, numbers or the alphabet on its perimeter. When the toy's draw string is pulled, it plays the recording of the corresponding picture upon which a spinning arrow randomly lands. In the randomness that we call life, may we "See n Say" the greatness of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Sunday, February 27, 2005

D is for Duty

Please don't interprete this blog as Bush bashing. I struggle with his politics, but I admire his courage and convictions. Yes, I did vote for him this past election and it was with great anticipation that I tuned in to the State of the Union address. Unfortunately, I am easily distracted. As much as his Texas drawl gives our president a down-to-earth folksy quality, his pronunciation leaves much to be desired falling well short of the dignity and gravitas required in these affairs of state. I was tracking pretty well with him until he said the "D" word - duty. But what it sounded like was "doodie." Twice.

Bush: All these proposals are essential to expand this economy and add new jobs, but they are just the beginning of our duty.
What I started thinking about: What my doctor asked me the time I went in for hemorrhoids - Does it hurt after or just at the beginning of your doodie?

Bush: Because courts must always deliver impartial justice, judges have a duty to faithfully interpret the law, not legislate from the bench.
What I couldn't help thinking: Supreme Court justices Rehnquist, etal. on the, hmmmm... docket...

You can hear the offending phrases in these audio clips from the speech. I noticed that the president uses this word a lot lately. Let's hope he never has to talk about the work of Russia's president - "Putin's following his duty." See n Say.

Friday, February 25, 2005

W is for Work

Now that I'm not pastoring at the Raleigh Chinese Christian Church, I'm working with Venture Graphics, Inc. which specializes in architectural illustration. I'm really blessed that the company hired me even though I have virtually no experience in graphics outside of being the brother to a fine arts major. I've put together a little video showing the basic steps of architectural graphics, so you can see what we do.

I have no false pretensions that I am good or will be ever really good at this work, but the software and techniques are simple enough even for me. Should I be so bold to say that it is simple enough that anyone can do it? I hope so. VGI is not just a Christian company, but it is one that has a Christian mission: We're hoping to train up missionaries in architectural illustration so that they can use the skills for gainful employment in unevangelized countries. No only that, but VGI will "outsource" our work to the missionary out on the field. We've been in discussion with a pastor who would like to serve as a missionary in Shanghai. We do hope to have him there in a couple of years time. See n Say.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

R is for Redneck

Carolyn and I don't necessarily expect our boys to tread our same life path, but why must they go down that road we fear? Yes, in spite of their Asian-American heritage and upper middle class upbringing, there is a distinct possibility that Stuart and Ethan may - God have mercy on us - be rednecks. It breaks my heart that they may someday become yellow trash: I see them sitting in front of a mobile home drinking Buds, bantering indiscriminately over Republican ideologies until their wives call them in for dinner - probably sweet and sour pork over fried rice with an egg roll. Someone will be mad that they are one fortune cookie short. He will storm away in his pickup truck to the nearest bar for shots of Jack Daniels and get arrested for DUI.

At that time, when we bail them out of jail, Carolyn and I will chart their cultural descent back to Stuart's 10th birthday when he asked us to take him, Ethan and their cousins to a monster truck show. Can we avert their devolution and turn them on to Shakespeare and sushi? See n Say.